Monday, January 12, 2009

SBA Advocacy Update: Firm Size Data

U.S. Census Bureau employment size of firm data (partially funded by the Office of Advocacy) has been updated for 2006. The data list the number of firms, establishments, employment and payroll by firm size for states and Metropolitan Areas by industry. Data go back to data year 1988, making historical trend analysis possible.

The number of employer firms topped 6 million for the first time in 2006, reaching 6.02 million. The growth in the number of employers has been pretty steady, with declines only occurring from 1990 to 1991 and annual gains over 100,000 only occurring twice in the last twenty years. Small firms (fewer than 500 employees) represent the bulk of the private sector firms, 99.7 percent and 50 percent of the employment.

Data on firm turnover (starts and stops) and job churn will be available for
2005 to 2006 at a later date.

See for data.
Should you need further information, please feel free to contact Brian Headd at (202) 205-6533 or

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