Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Please Make a Difference - Small Business California - Survey 2010

Small Business California is conducting a survey of all California small business owners.

If you are a small business owner, could you please take 5 minutes to complete this online survey. If you know a small business owner, or belong to a California-based association of small businesses, could you please forward this survey link.

Your voice will be heard.


The University of CA, Merced SBDC Regional Network


Anonymous said...

I think that's cool to try. I'm just wondering if they are going to discuss something about business management consultant issues.

Ricky Addy said...

Really it is very wonderful post on making a difference in small businesses........

Business Development Services

Sushil said...

Thanks For Sharing.....
A Small Business just starts within a single room.
I mean no much more space and employees are needed.....

So I think a single person is not easily handles small business
but with 10-50 employees He or She can do this.

Nail Salon Business