Tuesday, March 31, 2009

SBDC Service Center Program Announcement


The University of California Merced Small Business Development Center (UC Merced SBDC) requests for proposals (RFP) for the following regions: Kern County Region; Salinas Valley Region; and, San Luis Obispo County Region. The purpose of the RFP is to solicit proposals for the selection of a contractor to operate a Small Business Development Center in the areas listed.
The mission of the SBDC is to provide quality management and technical assistance for existing and potential small businesses resulting in success for the entrepreneur and sustainable economic growth and prosperity for all Central Californians.

The benefits for serving as a SBDC include the following:
  • Direct and measureable economic impact in the local community
  • Visibility for the organization within the community and region
  • Opportunity to provide outreach from the organization to small business in the service area
  • Increased partnership opportunities between the organization, other academic institutions and economic development organizations in the state and service area
  • Opportunity to strengthen learning opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs
    Funding from federal sources
Private nonprofit corporations, public institutions and local governments, including institutions of higher education, are eligible and encouraged to submit a proposal. For additional information, please contact Diane Howerton, Regional SBDC Director, dhowerton@ucmerced.edu; 559.241.6590.

Recovery Act More Than Doubles Surety Bond Guarantee Ceiling for Small Businesses 3-27-09

Recovery Act More Than Doubles Surety Bond Guarantee
Ceiling for Small Businesses 3-27-09

Move Could Help Spur Much Needed Construction Growth

WASHINGTON – Effective today, small businesses that need surety bonds to compete for construction and service contracts can qualify for U.S. Small Business Administration-backed surety bonds of up to $5 million. The higher amount, a result of the Recovery Act, is more than double the previous $2 million maximum surety bond guaranteed by SBA.

Through SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee program, SBA guarantees bid, payment and performance bonds. Surety bonds protect the project owner against financial loss if contractors default or fail to perform.

SBA partners with the surety industry to help small businesses that would otherwise be unable to obtain bonding in the traditional commercial marketplace. Under the partnership, SBA provides a guarantee to a participating surety company of between 70 and 90 percent of the bond amount.

“During these difficult economic times,” said Acting SBA Administrator Darryl K. Hairston, “these changes are particularly helpful to small and emerging contractors who need access to surety bonds so they can bid on public construction and service projects. These changes will support small and emerging businesses nationwide, particularly construction contractors who have seen their markets hurt by a poor economy and lagging construction environment.”

Additional program enhancements contained in the stimulus bill will be announced soon in the Federal Register. Among these changes is a provision that will allow SBA to guarantee a bond on a federal contract up to $10 million following certification by the contracting officer that the bond guarantee is required.

In recent years SBA has taken a number of steps to reinvigorate its Surety Bond Guarantee Program and make it easier for small businesses to obtain bonds. In 2007, SBA established a more flexible pricing structure, allowing Preferred Surety Bond Sureties to charge current state rates rather than being locked into rates that were established several years ago.

Industry associations have commended SBA for these new changes and SBA continues to encourage surety bond providers and agents to actively participate in the program.

In the past year, SBA also implemented a new electronic bond application process. Small businesses and surety companies participating in the SBA prior approval program are able to transmit application forms electronically to help expedite review and approval processes. The SBA also re-engineered the claims reimbursement process to shorten the cycle time between submission of a claim for reimbursement by a surety company and payment by the government.

SBA assistance in locating a participating surety company or agent and completing application forms is available online. For more information on SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee Program, go online to http://www.sba.gov/osg/ or call 1-800-U ASK SBA.

Check out the SBA Fact Sheet Recovery Act QA for Small Business Owners

Fact Sheet Recovery Act QA for Small Business Owners

Business.gov Launches First Government-Sponsored Online Community for Small Businesses

Business.gov Launches First Government-Sponsored Online Community for Small Businesses

WASHINGTON – SBA’s Business Gateway Program announced today the launch of a new Web initiative – http://Community.Business.gov – the first government-sponsored online community built specifically for small businesses.The objective of the Business.gov Community supports the White House’s mission to create a transparent and connected democracy, and aims to provide small business owners, bloggers, and the government with a place to discuss and share information about starting and running a successful business.

An extension of Business.gov, the Business.gov Community combines discussion forums, blogs, an idea exchange, and more, and offers advanced tools for navigating the labyrinth of government resources, policies, laws, and opportunities that impact the small business owner.

In addition to providing a “home” where users can share expertise and unique experiences, the site also provides a pioneering opportunity for small businesses to provide direct input into Business.gov and voice the ways government and the online community can better serve them.

“Over the past year, we have significantly expanded our efforts to engage with small business owners, by giving them easy access to the information they need to run their business,” said Nancy Sternberg, program manager of Business Gateway. “The launch of the Business.gov Community represents a new milestone. Through the application of Web 2.0 technologies, we hope to unite small business owners, industry experts and government, and take the program to a new level of collaborative knowledge-sharing and insight.”

Over the next few months, the Business.gov Community will expand to include additional features and resources that address specific user interests and provide access to the wider pool of government and Business.gov partner resources available to the small business owner.

About Business.govBusiness.gov is managed by the U.S. Small Business Administration in partnership with 21 other federal agencies. This partnership, known as Business Gateway, provides innovative information services to the small business community that save time and money, engage citizens to participate, and enable collaboration across all key levels of government. Launched in 2004, Business.gov provides a single access point to government services and information to help the nation’s businesses with their operations.

Statement from SBA Acting Administrator on Recovery Efforts Announced by President Obama ~ March 16, 2009

Statement from SBA Acting Administrator on Recovery Efforts Announced by President Obama ~ March 16, 2009

WASHINGTON – The following statement was issued today by Acting Administrator Darryl K. Hairston of the U.S. Small Business Administration following the announcement by President Barack Obama of important steps being taken by the SBA and the U.S. Department of Treasury to address the economic challenges facing small businesses and entrepreneurs across the country.

“U.S. small businesses employ about half our nation’s workers and over the last decade have created about 70 percent of all new jobs. But their access to credit and lending markets has dried up, making it harder every day for small businesses to keep their doors open and their employees working. American small businesses are one of the strongest engines for economic prosperity in the world, and we can’t let this crisis continue to undermine their growth and potential. Today President Obama reiterated his belief that we owe it to America’s small businesses to be the partner they need in the midst of this crisis. At SBA, we couldn’t agree more.

“SBA this week is implementing two key provisions laid out in the Recovery Act – we are temporarily eliminating certain loan fees and raising guarantees on some 7(a) loans up to 90 percent. With these critical steps by SBA, and the Treasury Department’s commitment of up to $15 billion aimed at getting lending markets flowing again, we are standing up with small business owners across this country and telling them how we are going to put much-needed capital in their hands.

“We hope small businesses will take the opportunity to ask their banks about the SBA loans that might be available to them. And, we encourage community banks and other lenders to work with us to reach as many qualified borrowers as we can during these difficult times.”

Beginning today, the SBA will:

Temporarily raise guarantees to up to 90 percent on SBA’s 7(a) loan program, through calendar year 2009, or until the funds are exhausted. This increase in guarantee levels will help provide banks with the greater confidence they need to extend credit during the current recession, will mean more capital available to small business owners around the country.

Temporarily eliminate fees for borrowers on SBA 7(a) loans and for both borrowers and lenders on 504 Certified Development Company loans, through calendar year 2009, or until the funds are exhausted. This will mean more capital available to small businesses at a lower cost. The fee elimination is retroactive to February 17, the day the Recovery Act was signed. SBA is developing a mechanism for refunding fees paid on loans since then.

Additionally, the President announced today that the Treasury Department will commit up to $15 billion to help unlock the frozen credit markets by purchasing small business loan securities currently frozen on the secondary market. By purchasing these securities, it will unlock these secondary markets, and in turn, free up more capital to jumpstart lending for small business owners. The SBA has worked closely with the Treasury Department to address the need to unlock these secondary markets for SBA loans.

For more information on the SBA and Treasury initiatives announced today by the President, visit the SBA Web site at www.sba.gov.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Innovation in Small Business: Drivers of Change and Value

The Office of Advocacy has funded several studies examining the patent activity of small businesses. All show that small businesses outperform their larger counterparts in patent activity (issuance).

"Innovation in Small Business: Drivers of Change and Value" is another installment in this discussion. It widens the scope of the existing debate by focusing on the effects of drivers of innovation (employee headcount, sales, and R&D expenditures) on small business value.

A copy of the report is located at:
http://www.sba.gov/advo/research/rs342tot.pdf and the research summary can be found at: http://www.sba.gov/advo/research/rs342.pdf.

Should you need further information, please feel free to contact Radwan Saade at (202) 205-6533 or advocacy@sba.gov.

Monday, March 16, 2009

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is now available in Spanish

Information on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is now available in Spanish, as shown below:

IRS Information Related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Información del IRS Concerniente al Acta de Recuperación y Reinversión Americana del 2009 http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=205057,00.html

COBRA Health Insurance Continuation Premium Subsidy

COBRA Subsidio de Prima para la Continuación del Seguro Médico

ABIRC is offering FREE tax preparation assistance with electronic filing FREE of charge!

5566 E. Kings Canyon Rd (Kings Canyon/Clovis)
10:00AM – 2:00PM

ABIRC is offering FREE tax preparation assistance with electronic filing FREE of charge

  • Filer(s) must be present with License or ID
  • Have Social Security Number(s) of everyone to be claimed on return including birthdates
  • Bring all W-2s
  • Bring all applicable 1099 Statements (1099-Misc, 1099-G, 1099-INT, and 1099-R)
  • Bring your 1098-T Statement if you had educational expenses in which you paid for tuition and fees out of your own pocket and not through grants/scholarships
If you paid for childcare you must have the name of the childcare provider, social security number/federal id number, and address.

If you anticipate a refund and want direct deposit, you must have your bank routing# and account#.

This is a first come, first served basis – please be prepared to wait 1-2 hours
For more information please call (559) 476-3969 or email mbly.abirc@yahoo.com

SBA Offers FREE Workshops for Entrepreneurs

SBA Offers FREE Workshops for Entrepreneurs

“Strategic Planning for a GREENER Business”

“Economic Change is Here – Where are you?”

Fresno, CA – History shows that small business entrepreneurs are quick to respond to change and survive. Today’s entrepreneurs are facing challenges and hurdles never seen before. Resiliency is the name of the game, but to be successful business owners must continue to make changes and adapt daily.

To meet the ever shifting need of entrepreneurs, SBA has combined two useful workshops into one session to provide information on two critical small business concerns. The workshop is FREE and is being offered on March 20, 2009 at the U. S. Small Business Administration located at 2719 N. Air Fresno Drive, Suite 200 in Fresno. The workshop will be from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Strategic Planning for a GREENER Business

How many times a day do we hear the current buzz word “Go GREEN?”
Everyone agrees that saving our environment from harm is a good thing. But how does “Go GREEN” affect you as a small business owner and how can a business owner use it to their advantage? Topics during the workshop include:
  • Does it pay to be GREEN?
  • How to make GREEN investments in your business and obtain a positive return.
  • Environmental Business Choices–saving costs, managing your competitors, environmental risks.
  • How to Go GREEN–systems by design, closed loop manufacturing, change business model.
Bryan Moe, Center Director of the Central California Small Business Development Center will cover helpful steps for small business owners to follow during the “Go GREEN” portion of the workshop.

Economic Change is Here – Where are YOU?

Let’s face it times are tough right now for entrepreneurs!
Tightened credits, layoffs, foreclosures, lack of sales are just a few of the problems that small business owners are facing in our current economy. While business times are significantly different right now they are still profitable times if handled correctly. Topics for this workshop include:
  • Business Financing–small business loans even in today’s lending markets.
  • Marketing–identifying and targeting customers, why and when customers spend money.
  • Management–managing your business, making decisions, meeting your goals.
Mike Souza, Lender Relations Specialist for the Fresno SBA will provide tips on how to bounce back, make aggressive changes and operate efficiently in today’s market.

The workshop is free and registration is required. Please call the SBA at (559) 487-5791 or email william.hori@sba.gov to register and for details.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

SBA’s March Web Chat Will Highlight the Recovery Act

Release Date: March 12, 2009
Contact: Cecelia Taylor (202) 401-3059
Release Number: MA09-03
Internet Address: http://www.sba.gov/news

SBA’s March Web Chat Will Highlight the Recovery Act

WASHINGTON – The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will be the
focus of discussion for the U.S. Small Business Administration’s March Web
chat. SBA Associate Administrator for Capital Access Eric Zarnikow will help
small business owners get answers to their questions about what the Recovery
Act means for the nation’s small businesses.

The Recovery Act is a national effort to grow the U.S. economy by stimulating
job creation, freeing credit markets, and investing in small business. The Act
contains a package of loan fee reductions, higher guarantees, new SBA
programs, secondary market incentives, and enhancements to current SBA
programs that will help unlock credit markets and begin economic recovery for
the nation’s small business sector.

SBA is working to enact the new programs created by the passage of the bill
and make changes to the programs already in existence. Additional
information on the Recovery Act is available online at
www.sba.gov/recovery/index.html .

WHO: Eric Zarnikow, associate administrator for the Office of Capital Access
at the U.S. Small Business Administration will host the SBA’s March Web chat
on the topic “The Recovery Act and Your Small Business.” Zarnikow will
answer a range of questions to help chat participants understand the elements
of the Recovery Act that pertain to the SBA and the nation’s small

WHAT: SBA’s Web chat series, providing small business owners with an
opportunity to chat about relevant business issues online with experts,
industry leaders and successful entrepreneurs. Chat participants will have
direct, real-time access to the Web chats via questions they submit online,
both in advance of and during the live session.

WHEN: March 19, 2009, 1 – 2 p.m. ET

HOW: Participants can join the live Web chat by going online to www.sba.gov,
and clicking the “Online Business Chat” icon. Web chat participants may post
questions for Zarnikow before the January 15th chat by visiting
http://app1.sba.gov/liveMeeting/mar09/ , and posting their questions online.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Salinas Meet Your SBA Rep Day!

SBA Resource Day – Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce

Salinas, CA - The U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will be meeting with small business entrepreneurs on March 17, 2009 at the Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce to provide information on how the SBA and our many resource partners can help you in the growth and development of your own small business.

During the SBA visit, entrepreneurs, startup companies and even seasoned firms can confidentially discuss and review business strategies. Topics of discussion may include how to start a small business, how to apply for a SBA loan, selling to the federal government and an overview of the many SBA management and technical assistance programs that are available to assist small business entrepreneurs.

SBA realizes that business entrepreneurs are very busy and to leave their businesses for any length of time can be difficult. The Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce is a tremendous resource for entrepreneurs and SBA appreciates the donation of their convenient location for holding the appointment sessions. SBA will hold the SBA Resource Day at the Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce on the third Tuesday of each month thru April.

Entrepreneurs often find that running questions, concerns and ideas past a seasoned small business counselor or an individual outside of their own business can help in offering support and guidance. Information on the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and SCORE programs, both of which are local resources available in the Salinas area, will be provided during the day.

Advance appointments are necessary and can be arranged by contacting the Fresno SBA District Office at 800-359-1833, option 6, or (559) 487-5791, or by emailing the Fresno SBA office at william.hori@sba.gov. The Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce is located at 119 E. Alisal Street in Salinas. Appointments will be held on March 17, 2009 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

SBA has many programs and services to offer to new and existing small business owners. For more information on SBA programs visit www.sba.gov or call (559) 487-5791.



Modesto - After three very successful business Town Hall meetings in Riverbank, Turlock and Modesto, the Alliance Small Business Development Center is answering the praise of attendees and the request to do more. Beginning March 4th, the first in a series of "Economic Survivor" Business Seminars will take place from 7:30 am - 9:30 am in the Alliance Free Enterprise Center, Modesto.

"How to Squeeze Out More Profits from Declining Revenues" is the topic of the March 4th event. This seminar is designed to give attendees information on how to improve various areas of financial management within their business. Topic areas include: increasing inventory turns, improving A/R collections, reducing operating costs, improving cash-flow, and increasing net profits. Marty Fox, Grimbleby-Coleman CPAs will lead the presentation and discussions.

"We heard loud and clear from the local businesses that were at the Town Hall Meetings that they wanted more help," said Kurtis Clark, Director of the Alliance Small Business Development Center. "It is our main concern to help small business survive this economic slow down and overcome potential negative impacts. We designed the "Economic Survivor" Seminars to assist businesses with the challenges they seem to be facing and giving them critical tools to help keep their bottom line in the black."

On March 18th David Boring and Julie Orona of Never Boring Design Associates will be at the Alliance Free Enterprise Center to present "Free Marketing Ideas That Bring in Customers". They will discuss how to effectively promote and market better to existing and new customers.
For find out more information about the "Economic Survivor" Series or to get a list of upcoming seminars, contact the Alliance Small Business Development Center at 209-567-4910.

The Stanislaus Economic Development and Workforce Alliance oversees' both economic development and workforce training activities countywide. The Alliance is a private not for profit corporation with a mission and responsibility of implementing economic development and workforce training activities for the County. The Alliance is committed to creating a blueprint for success, which can make the Stanislaus River Valley the strategic business choice for existing and expanding businesses by focusing on job creation, business assistance and workforce preparation activities.

Alliance Small Business Development Center 1020 10th Street, Suite 102 Modesto, California 95354 genovaja@stanalliance.com 209.567.4910 office
209.567.4955 fax

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Economic Recovery Plan: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly for Small Business

Check out the Economic Recovery Plan: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly for Small Business straight from buzgate.org's press room!

Link to article: http://www.buzgate.org/8.0/ca/press_recover.html

Between job cuts, daily announcements of more Wall Street abuses, the ramifications of the failing auto industry and the credit crunch, it's no wonder road rage is up and people everywhere are pulling back on spending.

Good News

There is good news, however. Small business is getting a break with the new economic stimulus recovery, which is good for businesses of all sizes and industries!

If you counsel small businesses, if you sell to small businesses or if you are a small business, read on...

Long Term

In the long run, all businesses stand to benefit from America's Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 in the following ways;
  • If your business is in EDUCATION or you offer products and services that would support 21st century improvements to classrooms, labs and libraries, than read up! $650 million in funding is targeted for school computers, science laboratories and technology training for teachers.
  • Investments in COMMUNICATION call for $350 million in mapping the countries' current broadband infrastructure; $4.3 billion in grants to provide wireless and broadband infrastructure to communities, including public computer centers and sustainable adoption of broadband service; and $2.5 billion Broadband grants to rural communities. These incentives promise significant improvements for businesses located in rural areas in terms of their ability to advance connectivity speeds and compete more effectively on a global scale.
  • Incentives to INNOVATE in areas of science, research and technology in all sectors of the economy will not only include opportunities for small ventures on the front end, but will likely create new markets in housing, security, education, healthcare and other sectors that spawn new types of businesses and new commerce opportunities over the long term.
  • RURAL BUSINESSES are also targeted in several ways including $150 million in economic recovery programs aimed at urban industrial core and rural economic recovery programs and another $150 million in guaranteed loans for rural businesses. Both of these incentives offer support for regional economic clusters as a viable economic development strategy.
  • Lastly, the stimulus package also speaks to improvements in both sources of ENERGY and energy efficiencies. This will lead to both cost savings and improved operational efficiencies for all businesses.

Many of these incentives are particularly suited to businesses that do government contracting. There are also advantages to being certified as a woman or minority disadvantaged business enterprise, or a disabled veteran business enterprise. There is a lot a paperwork involved in becoming a certified government contractor, but the benefits can make it well worth the effort!

Short Term

In the short term and specifically for small business, the economic stimulus package promising some refreshing relief in the form of business funding and tax breaks. For example, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is slated for $730 million that will be used in a variety of ways to encourage SBA backed loans including:
  • Reducing loan processing fees
  • Increasing loan guaranty levels, and
  • Improving secondary loan markets.
SBA Loan Program Incentives

More specifically,
  • The SBA is temporarily reducing and, in some cases, eliminating fees associated with SBA loan applications and processing.
  • The SBA is also increasing the percentage that it guarantees loans from 75 and 85%, up to 90% meaning that the risk to the lender goes down from 15 to 25% to only 10%.
  • The SBA is making $3 billion worth of loans more attractive in secondary markets. What this means is that when a bank makes an SBA-backed loan to a small business, the bank then sells the loan in a secondary market. By passing loan guarantees through to secondary markets, SBA lending becomes more attractive for all parties involved.

SBA Loan Programs

What all of this means in terms of access to real funding for small business are three things:
  1. A new Small Business Stabilization Loan will be made available where a business can borrow up to $35,000 to make up to 6 months of payments on a prior loan at fully subsidized interest with no payments in the first year and a repayment deadline in five years.
  2. More Micro-Loan monies - $30 million total, will be available. These loans offer up to $35,000 and come with various forms of technical assistance to help the small business succeed and hence, pay back the monies. These loans are made through local nonprofit community organizations.
  3. Repositioning of 504 Certified Development Company (CDC) Program - If the project involves expansion of an existing small business concern, in certain situations any amount of existing indebtedness that does not exceed 50% of the project cost of the expansion may be refinanced and added to the expansion cost.
The caveat on all this however, is that time and money are limited. Between now and September of 2010, borrowers will be given priority over lenders, and small banks will be given priority over large banks. Connect with your local SBA office to learn more.

Tax Incentives

Lastly, but certainly not insignificant are tax incentives in areas of hiring, capital equipment and cancelled debt. For example,

1. If your small business hires a military veteran or someone between the age of 16 and 25 that has been out of school or unemployed for the past six months, you can earn a tax credit of $2,400 per worker

2. Capital Equipment Incentives include Expense Write-Offs and Accelerated Depreciation. For example:

a) Small business capital expenditures, such as vehicles, machinery and computers that do not exceed $800,000 per year, can be expensed up to $250,000 versus $125,000 in '08 and '09, and

b) New capital equipment purchases made and used in 2009 can be half expensed in the same year with the balance depreciated against standard fixed depreciation schedules

3. Operating Losses can be carried back 5 years versus just 2 years, and

4. Any Cancelled Debt in '09 and '10 can be tax deferred with no payments in the first 4 to 5 years, with the balance paid off in years 6 through 10. This means that if you negotiate paying off a $100K loan at $75K, the $25K difference that gets booked as income, does not incur a tax payment obligation until 6 years later.

Each of these accounting issues offer tax incentives where a business can show increased expenses to offset profits, which lowers tax obligations at the federal level, and in some cases, at the state level.

Investor Incentives
A nice final piece of great news is that incentives for investing in small businesses are also part of the recovery package. It used to be that an individual could exclude 50% of capital gains, under certain conditions, on profits from the sale of stock after owning for 5 years. Under the stimulus package, this exclusion is increased to 75% and so those of you who are family members, angel investors or venture capitalists with monies to invest would find it more advantageous to locate promising ventures to put your money into and reap the rewards!

Final Note
While only 20% of the approved $787 billion stimulus package is projected to be spent in 2009, $157 billion is still a lot of money to go around. To make sure that your business takes full advantage of the opportunities ahead, know who your local public business assistance agencies are.

Now more than ever, it is important to work together, leverage scarce resources and work smarter and Buzgate.org offers the connections for making this possible.

To see more articles like this, please check out Buzgate at: http://www.buzgate.org/

Buzgate.org is an award-winning public service initiative created to facilitate awareness, access and use of free small business help offered by America's government and nonprofit small business assistance agencies on a local, regional and national scale.

IRS Information Related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Congress has approved and the President has signed new economic recovery legislation, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The IRS is implementing tax-related provisions of this new program as quickly as possible.

Here are some key highlights:
More information on these and other provisions of the recovery program will be available on the IRS website, www.IRS.gov, as it become available.

Following are a few general questions and answers regarding the new recovery package:

Could the new law affect 2008 tax returns?
Generally, no. The new law does not have any major impact for the vast majority of individuals preparing their 2008 tax returns due April 15. Instead, these changes will largely impact 2009 tax returns filed next year, in 2010. Taxpayers should continue to prepare their 2008 tax returns as they normally would.

There are a few limited areas in the law that could impact 2008 tax returns. For some small businesses, changes in the net operating loss provisions could affect 2008 tax returns. And for first-time homebuyers there is an expanded credit available on 2008 tax returns.

Does this new recovery program have any impact on the recovery rebate credit for 2008 tax returns being filed now?
No. But the IRS reminds taxpayers and tax preparers to make sure they properly determine eligibility for the recovery rebate credit before they file their 2008 federal tax returns.

Where are more details on the tax provisions of the recovery law?
The IRS will be providing more details on this web site as they become available. A summary of the key provisions is available from the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means committees.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

National Small Business Week ~ May 17-22, 2009

The U.S. Small Business Administration is pleased to announce the next National Small Business Week May 17-22, 2009.

Click here for more detailes: http://www.nationalsmallbusinessweek.com/

Great Links to Small Business Resources at the ASBDC Website!

Check out all the great small business resources listed on the ASBDC website!
